System Monitor Readiness

  • Last Post 02 August 2019
Feu posted this 27 November 2015

Hi. Is there a functionality in Car Doctor that'll show the different system monitors readiness? I couldn't pass the Emissions Test because my Oxygen Sensor, EGR Flow, Catalytic Converter Eff monitors aren't ready. I need to do the Drive Pattern on a 96 Nissan Maxima and get the monitors to come on before I take it back to the emissions test center.



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inCarDoc posted this 01 December 2015

Unfortunately not. Current version does not support "Self test" related Modes 05 and 06. This planned to be added later. Thanks!

Pool Gtr posted this 02 December 2017

Hi. Is there a functionality in Car Doctor that'll show the different system monitors readiness? I couldn't pass the Emissions Test because my Oxygen Sensor, EGR Flow, Catalytic Converter Eff monitors aren't ready. I need to do the Drive Pattern on a 96 Nissan Maxima and get the monitors to come on before I take it back to the emissions test center.



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  • tinashay1
Brandon Sisco posted this 30 July 2019

Hi is there any update to In Car Doctor having ability to check System Readiness Monitors?

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  • tinashay1
inCarDoc posted this 01 August 2019

In Android version of inCarDoc app OBD2 System Readiness Monitors planned to be added withe nearest release, expected this August. 


itsjoasom posted this 02 August 2019

Hello, what are some of the limitations,to cars that are not 100% obd2 compatible but still connect to incardoc app?What makes them not 100% obd2 compliant?